My blog will be dead as now i moved to facebook and twitter start from now and who wish to add me can add me @ facebook or twitter..tq
Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
MapleSEA EP2, I'm Back!!!!!
Recently was joined back to MapleSEA because of some reason:
1) Been Invited by my friend and my ex-guild mate and maple friend again.
2) The EP2 leveling system been change and much more easier to leveling.
3) Bot and Hack interest me to joined back.
4) New KOC( Knight of Cygnus) character and job.
5) New game client language( Chinese) introduce.
This is the reason that I'm joining back MapleSEA and i found that their game client is much more improving and better than last time I play MapleSEA... Last time after introduce the Server Eridanus, the game client and the game connection becoming delayed and lagged since the server Eridanus.. This make the a lot maplers complaint and as the result of it is many started stop playing MapleSEA including of me because the server make the game become more worse and suck!!!!! But after Asiasoft release the ew hack system which is hackshield( AhnLab), many hack is coming out like no delay hack, avoid godmode hack, Lvac and bla bla bla..this make me want to joined back maple because of the hack....most of this hack won't detect by auto ban system and it is safe to use but under one condition>> carefull others player report you to the GM and your account will be permenant ban!!!!
SMKJB on fire!!!!!
WOW.... For the first time i heard SMKJB on fire...lolx.... Almost whole block was on fire but the koperasi damn lucky no anything happen but all the stock cant use anymore because of the fire..
Most of my friend all say very good and happy what happen to the school because most of us was really besong the school for some reason.. I'm very dissapointed why the block Jaya safe from the fire..Why them don't burn the block Jaya???WHY???!!!! haiz.... But anyway, I like it!!! XD wakakakakakakakakaka....what a "nice" school on fire......
Single or Couple?
It is single good? or couple much more better? arhhhh!!!!! whatever la....
If me, I'll choose single because i like freedom much more..can go anywhere without any problem, no need tell or inform your BF or GF where you go, go with who, go until what time, why go out with friend, and bla bla bla.... For me, this very annoying and will make me crazy and angry.... Another reason is money expenses, If single, we can save more money for future use. and monthly expense will be less compare to couple.... Single, a new starting for those who break up with their couple or those who is divorced.... Single, a new hope, a new future, a new adventure!!!! But..... If the luck is coming, maybe i will accpet it.... Fot temporary now, single is still better than a couple....
Posted by Chong88868 at 6/11/2009 02:51:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
What happen to My Streamyx???
This few days don't know why, very hard to connect to the internet and facing of being disconnected from the internet when playing game or surfing the net....This make me really no mood and angry about the Streamyx service...Call TM CS to complaint about it also no use...they only know call you and asking you nonsense like restart modem, check phone cable, direct connect without splitter, checking internet connection through cmd and bla bla bla...WTH is it? Is TM think me noob??? asking me do this do that....this all is no related to the DSL light that is blinking with a damn slow speed until cannot connect to the internet....This problem is a nightmare for me because I have kena before and cant connect to the internet for 2 months!!!! Call many times and complaint many times until the technician come everyday also cant fix it, only know ask other technician come and check my phone wiring... The most besong is the phone wiring technician tell me bout the phone wire that connect to my house is spoiled...F**K UP!!! Taking two months to solved the problem?!!!!Wal Anyway, this problem is fixed this morning but another problem is coming right after the first problem is fixed.
The next problem is the internet speed damn f**king slow.....whole internet speed won't higher than 300kpbs and dling speed also slow like hell until download a song also need 10 minutes and more.... Open 1 website also need wait about 5~10 minutes or more.... want to search for information also cant... Solve the first problem also no use, internet speed slow like hell until easy to disconnected from the internet.... Do all thing that can recover the internet speed to normal also cant, the result also same....don't know what the Streamyx doing...maybe don't know go fix it, only know how to slack... Haiz..what I can do? continue complaint? no use for them.... Next time maybe think to change to P1 WiMax or Jaring more good......
Posted by Chong88868 at 5/20/2009 02:21:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Recently was finding some nice anime to watch because damn sien at home....i found that there are two new remaked/ recreated anime which is Full Metal Alchemist(FA) season 2 and Dragon Ball Gai(改). this two anime is totally different with the old one because its tell us more about the story more clearly and more easily to be understand. These two anime was very excited because the story line is much more better and many describe about the growing of the main character.
Today morning most carzy cause go PD with my friend.... around 6.30am we start our journey going PD for swimming and playing some crazy game..we was driving around 140km/h ++ at the PLUS highway because there isfew cars only and we can drive as fast as we can..we just use 30~45mins arrive there because of crazy driving skill and speed...After we arrive there we can saw some of the family and couple is already there for swimming and camping around there... After parking the car then we started to test the water temperature is suitable us to swim or not and we all started to swim and play around there after testing the water temeprature.Besides that, we also play some crazy thing like catch a person and "aluba' him, throwing him into the sea and bla bla bla..... one thing that is very dissapointed is no lenglui swimming and see....Anyway, we plan to search around there to ensure that maybe have some lenglui is there lenglui!!! sob..... All of us was go back around 11am and we plan to go for another place to swim and play next time when we is free.
Posted by Chong88868 at 5/11/2009 01:49:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Freedom!!!! Finally foundation course done~
Today, 27/03/2009 was the last day of my foundation degree course in APIIT. This day is very excited because after the RMDS final exam, all the UCFF0803 student will become free again from study!!!! YEAH!!! Anyway, all is gonna separate from here now because everyone will choose their degree course to continue their study. Some is taking business, some is taking IT, some is taking computing and...... Haiz...Sad, all gonna going to different course for their degree study... But lucky still got some friend is taking same course with me and we can be same class again! happy~
But after today, more challenging is waiting for us to explore and need our patient and knowledge to solve it and do it. So we need to pay more attetion to our next degree study and do it more pro and nicer work in order to get a good result in degree study. Anyway, A good rest is the most imortant thing to do everything.
28/03/2009 Earth hour~
This date is the most important day for earth because this is the day of almost whole world will switch off the lights for 1 hour to save our planet. This Earth hour is began in Sydney in 2007 and 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights for one hour. In year 2008, the message had grown into a global sustainability movement, about 50 million people switching off their lights. Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square all stood in darkness to save the earth by switch off the lights.
So, What we gonna to go?
Posted by Chong88868 at 3/28/2009 03:03:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Last week of my foundation
This week will be the last week and the last semester of my foundation course in APIIT. Besides that, this week also my final exam week =.=... After this week, I will be free again!!! so happy when think about that..But after finish the course, I need to decide what course and which intake should i take before continue study...Arrrr...really headache when think about that!!!! Many of my friend decide to join the May intake of the degree course...Don' know why they all so early continue their degree study for what... Actually I want to join the July intake because I can work for 3 months and buy a laptop for easier my study but my friend make me feel like wanna join them in May intake because many of them is study same course with me and join the May intake....=.=
Early I think they all will join the July intake but suddenly they all say join the May intake better because they don't want wait so long to continue their study. Haiz....this will make me more crazy and hard to make decision either want join May intake or July intake. If i join July intake then i got enough money to buy a new laptop but if i join May intake then I will unable to buy the laptop because insufficient of money T_T....
This coming Friday will be the last exam for our intake and after this exam our foundation course will be over and that time is the time to choose what degree course that we like to study or maybe work first before continue study. Some of my friend more crazy, after finish the foundation and straight go to continue their degree study....Really don't know what their are thinking about...swt =.="
This Sunday more crazy.... morning go celebrate my best friend birthday in Kajang town and after celebrate go lepak at metro kajang and metro point for nothing to do...When afternoon that time go having our lunch with other friend and after having the lunch go swimming at Waterfall Sg.Gabai....waaa all crazy meh??? go swimming???!!!! go swimming one day before exam....lolx.... sure crazy la me...=.= been force go by my friend and cause me no study for whole afternoon T_T.... really bad~.~
But anyway... it was very fun when at there...the water are very clear and not polluted...we all enjoy our whole afternoon time at there till 5pm and the view of the waterfall was very nice and there are some places that is suitable for catching small fish and prawn....If can again, I will go there again because the waterfall was very enjoyable!
Posted by Chong88868 at 3/25/2009 12:04:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
LOVE? What is LOVE?
What is LOVE? Its just a feeling of like? or its just a word that always said by other people? A language? What you all know about LOVE? if me, LOVE is just like this>>
L- Less
O- Of
V- Vain
E- Eccentric
Got some people say love is a word that is say to the girl or own girlfriend. Also got some people say love is just a feeling of like. No wonder what the love is mean, I don't want to bother or think it because it is a evil thing that will make people lost their mind and concentration to their work or daily life. So after having the feel to love a person, I felt that LOVE is just only a devil that will make people lost their mind and their attitude of being a human.
爱一个人对每个人来说是一件很痛苦的事因为你爱她/他,你未必会有回报或是她/他只会跟你说∶“对不起,我不能接受你的爱” 或是 “你的爱我心领了,我们是不可能在一起的”
Posted by Chong88868 at 3/08/2009 02:10:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
Finally 1 assignment is done..
Phew... today was damn busy cause the CiT assignment need to finish it and hand-in to the admin office. Lucky our CiT tutorial class is cancel so that we get more time to finish and edit the assignment before we hand-in it. When in computer lab that time suddenly raining very heavy until cant see anything outside from inside the lab. After that we finish all then we rush for the next class and lucky the class is not yet start and lecturer also not yet take attendance and he say he will take it at 4.45pm, this will give us more time to edit more and printing it out in order to hand-in in softcopy and hardcopy.
When evening that time more unlucky, after i go out by motorcycle and when i reach the Silk highway it suddenly raining, make me need to go back home and wait for the rain stop. What the hell is today? raining raining raining....until now also not yet stop..don't know wanna rain till when only stop.. so cham...T_T After wait the rain become small then i go out again to the pasar malam to buy some food and drink for my family..When i reach there i saw many stall is not oopen because of raining..but lucky some stall is still open and i can buy the food and drink from those stall.Althrough it was raining, there still got many people go buy things and look for some needs.
Just now is the most unlucky time because suddenly electric failure of whole my Taman and make me really beh song because it make my pc shut down and that time i was playing game.
Because of electric failure all my game current data is lost and make me need to lay it over again... Fucker TNB!!!!!!
Anyway, three more weeks is my last semester final exam..after this exam i was free for about 4 months to continue my study because mt friends say they all is continue study is July intake but i not sure yet because i mayb transfer to Utar to continue my study for degree course. This Tuesday Perak Utar campus cwas calling me for the course enquiry that i had made last week and the person was telling that they accept the credit transfer of foundation course from my current College and in one condition that is they want to see what course that i choose and see my foundation result and compare the course of my foundation and the course that i choose. If my current foundation course got a similar or the same subject of the course that i chosen, it was let me to continue study to the degree programme and not need retake the foundation. If there no such similar subject that is smae as my chosen, then i need to retake the foundation again...=.= really bad if need to retake it again. but i decided that if can continue to the degree programme in Utar then i will use credit transfer to transfer to Utar but if cannot continue and need to retake the foundation in order to go through the foudation, then i will stay in APPIT for my degree.
Posted by Chong88868 at 2/27/2009 01:15:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Today most boring cause nothing to do except go for working, studying, sleeping and eating =.=...Every weekend sure very boring till wanna go out lepak..... but this week cant go lepak cause still got a PiT subject class test on Monday..OMG!!! till now still not yet perpare for it!!! Besides that, got 1 more assignment to do...don't know want how to finish it because no many idea to think and hard to do cause no any inofrmation about the system that we choose....
Evening that time so bad for me cause when come back from work by motor that time...suddenly raining very heavy till me hard to see the infront and make me almost whole body is wet....Almost reach home that time more bad...many thunder is appear not far from me and when I look at the thunder I feel that I will kena the thunder but lucky that I no kena the thunder...if not me sure gg...lolx..
Count from now I still have 1 more month to go for my foundation course at APIIT..After that I decide to transfer to Utar but don't know will success or not.....This because i think Utar is more suitable for me cause i feel that APIIT is not suitable for me to study cause i not so clever and so pro..XD
Posted by Chong88868 at 2/22/2009 02:34:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
Yeah! Last presentation for RMDS!!! Unlucky Thursday...
Yesterday is most happy day because it is the last day of RMDS presentation. After this will no more presentation anymore for this course.... When CIT class, our tutorial lecturer was announce the CIT class test result to us..most of us the result was very bad...some get 20 below and some get 30 below also very bad...only get 40 over 100...sad...
After finish class and go back home more unlucky, whole taman no current supply untill 11pm..what the hell is TNB doing?Slack? cb TNB!!!! make me cant online for few hours.Lucky got 1 generator the supply spare current to my house so I can online back for that time.... Haha...i saw that in my Taman thats only my house got current supply because of the generator... Many of them was going out to Town because no current...This cause a traffic jam in front of my taman because many is going to the town area.
When go work that time more pochi.. the customer say "sorry ar boss,tauke lupa bagi duit generator...minggu depan la lu mari"...zzzzz..WTF!!!! go there bout half an hour and only say to me cant pay for the goods???!!!!! OMG!! so unlucky today.....Bad luck for Thursday~T_T
Posted by Chong88868 at 2/20/2009 02:08:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Haiz....don't know why this year Chinese new year so sien....nothing special in this Chinese new year...Cant see any people and any Chinese new year feel..Why? Economy problem? Maybe.. =.=
In this Chinese new year many things are totally different and not same as last few years cause this year was very quite because of economy nowdays. Haiz........Hope that next year Chinese new year will be better ...
After the Chinese new year there will be a class test and assignment to do...sad T_T...Hope that the class test can be handle..If not sure hard to pass in final exam because class test also important for the marks of the final exam.
1st day of the Chinese new year is the most enjoyable day because me and some of my friends go find other friend 拜年. We also got gambling while go 拜年 at others house. Besides that, we also got go our ex Science teacher house 拜年.
Btw, I hope that everyone can enjoy their Chinese new year very well and ignore the economy was going down because this Chinese new year is the most important festival for the Chinese.
Posted by Chong88868 at 2/03/2009 05:41:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
2 more days to chinese new year!!!!
Yea~ 2more days to go!!!! Chinese new year is just around the corner!!! When Chinese new year is come, everyone will very happy because can get Angpau and play till sot.... Also can gambling overnight...
Just now go Jusco Cheras Selatan cb jam like hell cause most of them go there 办年货 and some of them go watch movie... Me and my friend go there watch Red Cliff 2... Walao the movie cb nice to watch...very exciting the movie till me and my friend so 佩服 the movie cause the effect and there battle was very nice...
Anyway here wish everyone Happy Chinese New Year!!

Christmas Comments
Posted by Chong88868 at 1/24/2009 01:23:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
Haiz....Recently so busy till no time come blogger....Now everything also assignment, presentation, weekly task..all also come at same time..=.= so cham.... Now RMDS assignment is wanna out already...bad luck... some more need group assignment....shit lo....
After Chinese new year wanna test some more..... really cham arrr... why this sem always like that???!!!!! presentation, group work, assignment...... haiz...all very kacau la........hope can fast fast over this final sem and go to work...this can help me avoid from this stupid college thing and can refresh my mind....besides that also can get money from work....haha....
Btw, Chinese new year is coming already...just 1 more week to go....when think about Chinese new year so song because can own people 99 by gambling~XD haha.....also can get angpau and go anywhere that i need to study, no need see the and syok arrrr.... Hope Chinese new year fast fast coming and can let me have a fully relax week and a nice week....
Posted by Chong88868 at 1/16/2009 02:40:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Bad luck..
Haiz...don't know why me so bad luck.... PC kena virus....all stuff gone....make me so sad about it....furthermore today very busy until just now only done with my PC reformatting.... sad...
Monday got class some more..... really don't like the sux lecturer...always want us to do research~ present~ group work~ weekly task~....zzzzzzzz HATE IT!!!!!
Tomorrow got CIT meeting ssome cham....meeting for stupid assignment....haiz....College life really fun and sien....
Posted by Chong88868 at 1/11/2009 03:09:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Haiz.....So cham...
Damn it!!! My pc got problem!!!!! WTF!!!???? now my pc don't know why... sudden gone go laggy...haiz.....
2 more weeks to go!!!!! yay!! 2 more weeks till Chinese new year~ so song...
Now my mood is damn sien cause my pc problem...haiz... need to repair it...but never mind...i will buy 1 more whole new pc...wakakakakaka..
This week also lucky because my ITB assignment ngam ngam pass..lolx... i cant believe that i will pass the asssignment because i cincai do it....haha...most unlucky is my friend, he's work more good than me but still get F+...haiz...don't know how the lecturer give marks.....
Posted by Chong88868 at 1/09/2009 08:53:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Haiz....back to college life again..... T_T
No!!!! today was 1st day i back to college life after 2 weeks holiday.... T_T
I don't want go study cause hate to see the sux lecturer again T_T
Everytime see them i damn sien jor cause they very very very ma fan.... T_T
Every week need to present present present + debate haiz.... T_T
Furthermore need hand in the weekly task some more...... T_T
Assignment is just around the corner... more cham..... T_T
SO>>>> I HATE IT!!! ROAR!!!!!!! T_T
Posted by Chong88868 at 1/06/2009 09:30:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Haiz....bad weekend...Good luck for those who still studying...Miss my secondary school life very much...
1st weekend of the week of 2009>> bad luck for me..
2009年1月3号 > 第一次见红。。。T_T
第一次 K.O.
2009年1月4号 > 第一次左脚抽筋,痛到我要死。。。T_T bad luck for me....
Beside that...lets celebrate for Back to School!!!! Tomorrow, 5th December 2009 was the first day for Kindergarten, Primary school and secondary school reopen day.. In this day sure many student and their parents will 挤爆 the school cause many new student 报到...... Haha.... Luckily me no need go back secondary school and study.. ^^ But until now, I very very very miss my secondary school life because secondary school life was very fun and enjoyable... Like in Form 3, everytime our math teacher go in the class, it's my time to countdown for sleep~ XD... and furthermore me adn my friend always don't do science work and go in late because of the sux teacher...
Form 4 more fun..... always ponteng moral class and lepak here lepak there or go play basketball... If no ponteng, sleep inside the class when the teacher is teaching...XD (爽) ^^
Form 5 more bad and more fun....sometime go for class until break and after that ponteng all the rest of the class... muahahaha..... When got ceramah that time, ponteng the ceramah with my friend and go out yam cha at 东升 there.... Besides that, sometime ponteng the perhimpunan because of illegal dressing or the hair is too long.... Thats was my most enjoyable secondary school life...
SPM that time more cham...... Appendix before Moral subject....T_T.... Need go for operation in KPJ.. sad....lucky operation that day me no need sit for exam...if not>> OMG!!!! because my Moral subject in on 23th Nov 2007 and my operation date is 22th Nov 2007.. 1 day before the exam... Haiz....... But never mind, because why?>>>
1st time experience of sitting for SPM exam in hospital...
1st time operation in SPM period..
1st time face to face exam with the teacher in charge in my SPM exam....
1st time get extra time for my SPM exam...
1st time sitting for the exam half an hour late then actual time of SPM....
So.... am I pro????? haha....i think not much people will like me so "LUCKY" till need sitting for SPM in hospital and not in the school.... But this is an unforgettable experience for me because SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many 1st time experience in SPM..
Posted by Chong88868 at 1/05/2009 12:38:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Countdown for 2009!!!!
Yay!!!!! It's there! It's there! It's 2009!!!! A whole new year~
Today afternoon go Parkson with my friend to buy new pants and while we just lepak around I saw my friend sis...Then i chat with her and she ask me got go countdown or not and i say got. She say she wants go also and ask me how go and me say me go by KTM.. @@"...haha....luckily no need bring her if not>>>>>麻烦大了! One is want to guard her... second is she maybe 乱乱来...XD..(P/S: Hey Hey Hey.... don't blame me arrrr...)
When night that time me and my friend take KTM to Sg Wang. We reach there about 8.30pm gua( not sure time liao) Then we go lepak at Times square 1st before go for the carnival. After we done all out thing like having our dinner, its 10 something liao......then we go to the Sg Wang to join the countdown carnival....After we reach there many of them is having fun with spray...=.=" My friend most cham....kena spray 99... haiz...but me also kena because follow her =.="..... Almost 12am that time more crazy.... all play spray like hell....see people = way to escape.....
After the countdown still got many of them continue SPRAY!!!!!! lolx.... when all is gone, the road is most beautiful cause many rubbish~ haha.... At last, we are most luckily cause no miss any train when on the way go back.....
Me and my friend after countdown...
Rubbish is in everywhere~
My new hairstyle after event... =.=" swt... lolx
Posted by Chong88868 at 1/01/2009 04:01:00 AM 0 comments